Archive for February, 2011

Entering New Markets with a New Perspective

February 5, 2011

In the traditional days of marketing (pre-Internet), businesses would cautiously enter new markets with a focused strategy that often included heavy market research, trial product runs and endless discussions with new customers via phone or in-person. Today, online technologies have changed everything in the way we market and talk to customers. Online technologies have allowed businesses to talk to new customer segments quickly, get in front of global regions and enter a new market with little or no previous research or money being spent to get there.

There are an abundance of FREE online tools out there, making it easier for businesses to attract and retain new market segments. As exciting as this is, a good integrated strategy is still necessary along with some solid tactics.

Join me on February 22nd at Scott’s Seafood in Palo Alto where I will be presenting at the BMA Marketing Strategy Roundtable “*Leveraging Online Strategies to Enter New Markets” – Register Today!

At this roundtable we will discuss:
* Key drivers for attracting a new market segment online regardless of your expertise
* How to develop a solid online marketing message for new market customers
* Online tools and techniques to help you get you noticed by new market audiences today
* Case study success stories of companies that have used online tools to break into market segments

These BMA Roundtable breakfasts feature discussions and presentations from industry peers and executives, as well as experts, such as analysts, academics, and consultants. BMA’s goal is to offer intriguing presentations by compelling speakers on topics relevant to Silicon Valley professionals, while providing the opportunity to network with other senior marketing professionals and a good breakfast, too.

Hope to see you at the Roundtable on February 22nd! Click here to register.